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New: Bike Depot Coming Soon
to the Summit Train Station!

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Please Help Us
complete this project!!

The Summit Conservancy, in cooperation with the NJ Bike & Walk Coalition and the City of Summit, is leading a community-wide effort to build a bike depot.  The total cost of the project is approximately $70,000. $50,000 has been raised to date and we are hoping to raise the remaining funds as soon as possible.


Similar bike depots have been constructed in Montclair, Bloomfield, and other towns. It will be a walk-in facility that is lighted, secure, and dry. It will also have a repair stand and outlets for charging electric bikes!


Riding your bike to town or to the train helps keep Summit green!

Fewer cars on the streets will reduce automobile pollution and traffic congestion, and it will encourage foot traffic to downtown shops and restaurants


The depot will offer:

-Safe storage for 32 bikes

-Controlled door access

-A security camera

-Clear, shatter-proof polycarbonate walls


All at an affordable rate. 


The Bike Depot will be built six months after fundraising is completed. Donate now to turn this forgotten corner near the train station into an attractive and environmentally friendly asset to Summit’s downtown. We could use your help!  


Click Here to Support This Project


The Summit Free Market is open,*

thanks to generous support from the Summit Community,

the Summit Foundation, and the City of Summit.


*by appointment. For more information, please visit:

Photo by William Anderson.jpg

"Working together to create a more
sustainable future for Summit, NJ."

Photo by William Anderson

The Summit Free Market enables community members to both drop off yard sale
quality, household goods and pick up what they may want or need, for free. Since its
founding in 2008, the Summit Free Market has diverted over 120 tons of reusable goods
from the waste stream, educated and involved hundreds of student volunteers in
reducing and reusing, and helped numerous families with limited resources in our
community to furnish their homes.
We finally have a permanent home for this important new project
For more information, please visit:

Summit Free Market
Spring 2019 Dates - April 27 & May 4

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Our Mission

The Summit Conservancy is driven to create positive and lasting environmental change. The programs, events, and initiatives we support help preserve, protect, and enhance the natural resources of Summit, NJ.


We strive to advance environmental knowledge and action in our local community and among our political leaders through grants provided to leverage the reach of our programs, support the efforts of other organizations, and strengthen the environmental education field as a whole.

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